Loving Podcasts – Again

Together with Kai, I did a series of (live) podcast about .NET development a few years ago. That was a great experience and we had a lot of fun. As far as I remember, we had about 40+ participants per show. We used a beta service of Skype at that time. As Skype stopped their service we discontinued as we weren’t able to find an appropriate software to an adequate price.

I started my search for a really good Android podcatcher. There are tons of apps in the store and most of them are … not that good.

Then I got a hint: Pocket Casts. And really, this app is not only pretty, but it also works perfectly (automatic downloads on WIFI, resume, …).

Pocket Casts Screenshot 1
Pocket Casts Screenshot 1
Pocket Casts Screenshot 2
Pocket Casts Screenshot 2
Pocket Casts Screenshot 3
Pocket Casts Screenshot 3

So, which podcasts are my favorite ones?

Some people pointed me to Back to Work but I did not listen to it by now.

Which podcasts do you like? Please, leave a comment and let me know!

Veröffentlicht von Norbert Eder

Ich bin ein leidenschaftlicher Softwareentwickler. Mein Wissen und meine Gedanken teile ich nicht nur hier im Blog, sondern auch in Fachartikeln und Büchern.

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